Increase Your Twitter Following With Just A Few Steps
Black Tie Digital Marketing wants to help you grow your Twitter following, but that’s not as easy as it sounds. Many brands find it difficult to get people to follow them on Twitter, so how can you do it? Twitter operates a bit differently from the other social media networks, since it’s not as visual as Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram; however, there are many other ways to engage with your followers and encourage people to follow you back.
If you join or host a Twitter Chat you are opening yourself up to new conversations as well as new followers. Twitter Chats are weekly events that happen on Twitter in pretty much every industry, where a series of questions are asked and people respond using the designated hasthtag and each week the question changes. Find a chat about a topic you are very knowledgeable about and just start talking. This way you can start a conversation with people who share similar interests to you and more than likely they will follow you.
Make sure you use and follow hashtags on Twitter. Hashtags are all over the place these days, but if you search for a specific hashtag you can start a conversation with someone about that particular topic and grow your followers that way. You should also use hashtags so people can find you and the topics you discuss more easily.
Another great way to build your following on Twitter is to stream your Twitter Feed on your Facebook. In order for this to work and encourage people to follow you on both Facebook and Twitter, your content must be different on each social media site. If you share the same content on Facebook as you do on Twitter, then there is no incentive for them to follow you on both social media sites. No one wants to log into Twitter and read the same content as they just did on Facebook.
If you need any help with digital marketing in Melbourne, Florida then give our team at Black Tie Digital Marketing a call and we’ll be more than happy to help you in any way we can.