5 Fast Social Media Stats Worth Sharing
Let’s face it – the world is obsessed with social media. Love it or hate it, the desktop computer hobby has grown into a full-fledged machine that permeates Internet devices of all shapes and sizes. Driven by a desire to be in the know, people use social media to connect with the world around them.
In fact, social media may be the greatest networker ever designed. The latest facts and figures regarding social media seem to support this conclusion. But don’t take it from us; here are some of the most outstanding facts regarding social media that were just too good to keep to ourselves:
-Facebook drives 24.63% of all Internet traffic. In case that isn’t clear enough: a quarter of all the visitors that websites receive arrive there because of something they clicked on in Facebook. If you’re not on Facebook posting relevant content that directs traffic to your site, you’re missing out.
-Just because you are a B2B company doesn’t mean you can or should ignore Facebook. In fact, a majority of B2B companies with a Facebook presence (77% to be exact) credit the social site with bringing them new customers. Done right, social media lends credibility and creates opportunities for B2B and B2C companies alike.
-Twitter has approximately 100 million active daily users. People are hungry for information in bite-sized pieces, and a “tweet” (a short, published message with 140 characters or less) is the perfect way to deliver it.
-Pinterest built a loyal following in record time: The site started regularly receiving 10 million unique monthly visitors in about a year.
-An Instagram presence is part of the social marketing plan of 85% of the world’s biggest brands.
A few things become clear after considering just this handful of statistics:
- No matter what your business is, you should be using social media to build a following and grow your business. Whether you’re a global brand, a hometown favorite, a B2B company, or anything in between – you need to be on social media.
- Social media is the way to reach your target audience. Millions of people use the biggest networks on a daily basis, and by properly channeling your social media messages, your business will be found.
- If you’re not already on social media, you’re late to the party. But that’s ok – better late than never.
Does considering these stats make you feel great about your social media presence – or leave you feeling a little disheartened? If the latter applies to you, don’t despair. The Internet and social media aren’t disappearing any time soon. So pick up that frown and prepare to turn it upside down. It’s time to get social! Not sure where to start? Give us a call. We’d be happy to help.