A Website That Can’t Be Found Is Like A Billboard in The Desert
You may be looking to design a custom website in Melbourne, Florida, but just because you have a stellar website doesn’t mean people are finding it. In the December issue of SpaceCoast Business Magazine, Steven Buck, President of Black Tie Digital Marketing, wrote, “A website that can’t be found…is like a billboard in the desert.”
With almost everything being digital these days, your website is likely to get lost in a search when Google pulls up 100,000+ results. “You must have a web presence today to survive,” explained Buck, “and a cheap-looking site reflects negatively on the professionalism of a business.”
“But more importantly,” added Buck’s business partner and Black Tie CEO Scott Brazdo, “your website has to be found!” While you may have a custom designed website that tells your customers everything they need to know about your company in an effective way, it’s completely unsuccessful if your website is sitting on the 25th page of Google’s search results.
Google even states on their website that, “every day Google answers more than one billion questions from people around the globe in 181 countries and 146 languages.” While there are a billion people searching Google daily, if your website isn’t being found then you’re missing out on an entire group of people.
“In about a decade, search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing have made the Yellow Pages obsolete, yet remarkably many companies continue to sink advertising dollars into this medium,” noted Buck. “The market has shifted to the web,” explained Brazdo, “and marketing hyper-local businesses using geographical search terms can be performed with superior results using digital tools – such as pay-per-click (PPC), blogging, search engine optimization (SEO) and social media – compared to the Yellow Pages.”
If your business is having trouble being found by customers on Google, then give our team at Black Tie Digital Marketing a call today to get started on a Digital Marketing Campaign.