Black Tie Digital

Facebook Begins Phasing Out Sponsored Results

At Black Tie Digital Marketing, we have talked a lot about how Facebook has worked hard to monetize the site by adding Suggested Posts, Promoted Posts, Facebook Offers, and traditional pay-per-click ads on the side bar of the Facebook page. However, recently Facebook announced that it would begin phasing out Sponsored Results.

Sponsored Results are the results that pop up when you type something into the search bar at the top of Facebook. For example, if you type “dog” into the search bar, Porch Potty appears under “Sponsored.” While this particular example shows a product as the sponsored results, a lot of the results that appear are apps or games, which is why Facebook is removing the Sponsored Results.

Facebook Sponsored Results

Todd Wasserman wrote on that, “the company plans to stop offering the unit to advertisers in July. Later that month, users will stop seeing them. Facebook offered the following statement on the matter: ‘We’ve seen that most marketers were buying Sponsored Results to advertise their apps and games and we already offer mobile app install ads and Page post link ads on desktop to achieve these same goals.’”

I know, personally, I don’t use the search engine on Facebook all that much unless I’m looking for a specific person or company so I’ve never found much use in the Suggested Results. Let us know if you take advantage of the results Facebook has been suggesting to you or if you like that they are getting rid of this feature. If you need help with Melbourne, Florida Internet Marketing then please give Black Tie Digital Marketing a call today to see how we can help you.

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