Is Search Engine Optimization Dead?
Black Tie Digital Marketing always wants to help you keep your website looking it’s best as well as functioning it’s best. There have been many changes to Google for the past few months with their gaggle of zoo animal updates they keep announcing. Some Internet experts have predicted the end of SEO. Although everyone knows the media tends to be dramatic so it’s not really then end of SEO, but more of a change from the way we used to do things.
The rationale behind Google’s Panda and Penguin updates is to help authenticate searches so when you use Google’s search engine, you would get legitimate sources instead of spam. It’s best to be aware of these updates and how they are changing the way Google works so your website still ranks pretty high. We definitely don’t want your website hanging out on page 7 where hardly anyone will see it.
Keywords still matter! Keywords and backlinks have not changed when it comes to Google and all things SEO. Both of these aspects are still extremely important. But the good news is that Google is becoming more intuitive, so if you’re searching for few words you may also want to search on a variety of terms for one keyword. Google is trying to humanize their search engines, but we all know that can be hard to do with machines. So when you are creating your keyword list, you should expand the list to include words that relate to your services or products.
Content is the next piece of this new SEO puzzle. We have talked about how important content is many a time here on our Black Tie blog. But that doesn’t mean I won’t keep talking about how necessary it is until we’re all blue in the face. Let’s be honest here for a minute, when you have to generate unique, insightful, and interesting content often, it’s not an easy task to accomplish—trust me, I know! The payoff however, is huge. The more awesome content you put out there, the more your readers will want to share it, which will help increase the backlinks to your website.
Another great way to prevent your site from getting hit with a Google update is by putting your great, new content onto your social media networks. Not only does this build natural backlinks to your website and “social search” but it also puts your great content right in front of your customers, with just the click of a button.
Also you should tie your company’s blog into your social media accounts so every time a fantastic new blog is written, you’ll be sharing it via social media. The next aspect is Google+. There have been numerous reports saying that a solid presence on Google+ helps with search, so make sure you keep that page updated! Also adding a +1 to your website is getting to be a pretty big deal. Having someone +1 your post or blog entry can help increase its visibility in search.
SEO is definitely not dead! The way the Internet works is always changing but if you publish consistently good content, chock full of backlinks and key words, as well as stay on top of your social media pages your website shouldn’t be knocked off the Google search engines. If Internet Marketing in Melbourne, Florida is something you are struggling with then give our team a call, we’ll be happy to help you in any way we can!