Black Tie Digital

Seeing Really Is Believing

6 Types of Visual Marketing

At Black Tie Digital Marketing we work our hardest on our graphics and visuals because that’s what the world of social media and Internet marketing like. It’s what engages users and gets results. Although I enjoy creating mass amounts of content for Black Tie, I’m sure no one reads everything I post. Even though great content is the backbone of a great website, the graphics and videos matter greatly to someone who is visiting your site. If you are neglecting the visual aspect of your website and relying solely on content, then you might want to rethink your website strategy.

The infographic below from illustrates the following findings:

Infographic about Visuals

Content is extremely important and not something you want to forget about, but when people go online they want to see not just read. People are more likely to engage with a Facebook post if there is a picture or video attached because it catches their attention and draws them in. So what’s the takeaway from this? Incorporate images and videos into your website as well as your posts on social media networks in order to increase engagement. If you need help managing your Social Media Marketing in Melbourne, Florida or need help with Video Product or Graphic Design then give our team at Black Tie Digital Marketing a call today to see how we can help!

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