SEO Tactics You Should Focus On This Year
If you are refocusing your Search Engine Optimization in Melbourne, Florida during 2013, there are many strategies available to you since these SEO tactics have changed over this past year. Keeping up with these changes can be a challenge, but with the start of a new year you can take the time to refocus and redesign your search and social media marketing efforts. Search Engine Land suggests you follow these steps: implement social media tactics and create mobile pages and apps.
First you want to make sure you website is optimized according to SEO’s best practices. According to Search Engine Land these best practices include using “unique and accurate page titles, description tags, easy navigation, optimized content and images, and offering quality content and services.” While there are other SEO practices that you should follow, these are definitely important to focus on when it comes to your webpage.
Also start conversations with your audience on your social media networks to encourage them to tell their friends and family about their great experience with your company. Search Engine Land reported that Edelman Digital found that, “76 percent of consumers recommend companies they trust to a friend or colleague.” Social media is the place to recommend a company or share an awful experience and consumers listen to other consumers no matter what.
You should also focus on building a mobile page or a mobile app. The pages or apps that are designed for mobile devices are great to use when you’re out shopping and want to look something up. Mobile Marketing Association Asia found that, “there are 6.8 billion people on the planet. 5.1 billion of them own a cell phone, but only 4.2 billion own a toothbrush.” So when you are wondering whether or not it’s worth it to optimize your website for a mobile device, then just remember that statistic—even though it’s kind of hard to forget.
So find your focus when it comes to your SEO plan and go at it with full force so that your website can be found more easily and your sales will increase. If you need assistance with Search Engine Optimization then contact our SEO experts at Black Tie Digital Marketing and see how we can help you!