Social Media Makes A Great Customer Service Strategy
Social media networks have become a great way for consumers to share their grievances in a quick, easy manner so Black Tie Digital Marketing wants you think about using your social media accounts as a customer service strategy. It’s a rare day on Facebook when you don’t see someone complaining about their service or experience at someplace or another.
In fact, instead of calling a 1-800 number, customers are finding company’s social media pages and complaining directly to them. While this may seem effective to the customer, if the company doesn’t handle this situation in the right way they may end up losing that particular customer as well as many others who saw the complaint. When someone complains on your Facebook or Twitter, do not ignore them. This is one of the worst ways to handle a complaint because it says to the customer that you don’t value them enough to respond.
The first step would be to apologize and then see what you can do to fix their problem or remedy their experience. Using social media as a way to manage customer service complaints is what differentiates a “great” company from a “good” company. Social Media Today reported that, “By 2020, it is predicted that 90% enterprise level companies will be using social media for customer inquiries; so getting your company on the right track now will help you in the future.”
Customer service shouldn’t just be about waiting to receive a complain from a customer, you should be continually listening to what your audience is saying about your brand. Make sure you take the time to interact with and respond to the people who comment on your Facebook page or tweet to you on Twitter. No one likes to be ignored and responding to your customers will strengthen your relationship with them as well as show others that you value your customer’s opinions.
If you need help with Digital Marketing in Melbourne, Florida then give our team at Black Tie Digital Marketing a call today to see how we can help you get started.