The Power of Sharing vs. Searching
At Black Tie Digital Marketing, we know that social media can be a powerful tool when it comes to building your brand. If you had any doubts about the influence social media can have on your business performance, recent statistics produced by Parsely.com may convince you of its potential for driving traffic to your site through content sharing. Matt McGee visits the “search vs. social” debate in his recent Marketing Land column.
Parsely.com provides web analytics and content optimization tools to online publishers. Their latest study reveals that while Google is still top dog in terms of driving traffic to major sites, Facebook now drives a considerable amount of traffic through sharing. In October, Google was responsible for 44% of site referrals, but that number was down to 38% as of January. Within the same period, the number of referrals through Facebook increased from 16 to 26%. No other platform accounts for more than 10% of referrals on its own, including Yahoo, Twitter, Bing and various other news sites.
These stats reveal the reality that “sharing” on social media is nearly as important for driving traffic as “searching” using search engines. The findings make strengthening your business’ social media existence more essential than ever. Sharing solid, compelling content with your current customers will ensure they pass it on to others, and eventually to future customers.
At Black Tie Digital Marketing, we want your online presence to rock as much as your business does. Contact your Melbourne, FL social media optimization team to maximize your business’ online potential today!