Traveling Abroad? Google Can Help!
Black Tie Digital Marketing wants you to be as prepared as possible if you are traveling overseas or entertaining guests who speaks another language. We were all forced encouraged to dabble in a foreign language while we were in high school, but I know it didn’t all stick, for me at least. So when I travel or I overhear people speaking a language I recognize, I want to participate—but I can’t. However, Google has solved this problem for you!
Google Translate just added a cool new feature that allows you to easily create a personalized phrasebook with the phrases and sentences you want to memorize or find yourself translating repeatedly. The purpose of creating your own phrasebook is to help you become familiar with the language and by being exposed to these phrases frequently, you will hopefully start to memorize them. You can save each phrase to a certain phrasebook and visit them anytime you need a little assistance.
Google believes that if you revisit these phrases regularly then you will turn them into lasting knowledge. The new phrasebook is now enabled by default, and you can access it through the little book icon in the top right corner of the Google Translate screen. To save a phrase, simply press the new star icon underneath the translations. So the next time you need help translating a phrase into a different language then Google’s has you covered! If you need help with Digital Marketing in Melbourne, Florida then give our team at Black Tie Digital Marketing a call today!