Black Tie Digital

Universal Analytics Is Now Open To Everyone


If your company has been using Search Engine Optimization in Melbourne, Florida to boost your organic rankings and are learning all about your website activity, then you’ll be happy to hear that Universal Analytics is now available to everyone. Google Analytics has allowed businesses to understand what activity goes on with your websites, but there was a certain limitation.  Google explained that, “the limitation is that Google Analytics offers visit centric data meaning, that upon returning to our website, user interaction is tracked as a new visit. However, Universal Analytics will allow us to track interaction on a website from a user centric point.”

Consumers today use so many devices to access the web and to interact with your business; because of this businesses have been unable to customize the user experience. However, Universal Analytics is hoping to fix this problem by providing a unique solution. The goal of Universal Analytics is to assign each user with a specific client ID so that when the user is signed in, their activity on the site will be monitored and it won’t be counted as a new visit.

The benefits of using Universal Analytics as listed on their website are:

If you need help with Digital Marketing then give our team at Black Tie Digital Marketing a call today to see how we can help you!

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